Primary Teaching for Mastery Re-Engagement Events

Booking for these events have now closed

This is the sixth year that the national Maths Hub network has been supporting schools to develop, embed and sustain mastery approaches to mathematics.  

Over these six years, the programme has evolved to now offer bespoke support to schools at any point in their mastery journey – no matter when they last participated in a Teaching for Mastery Work Group.  Here at East Midlands South Math Hub, we are currently looking to re-connect with schools in our region through our fully-funded 2022/23 Sustaining phase Work Groups.


Re-engagement events

Perhaps a lot has changed in your school over the last few years.  For example, a high turnover in staff, specifically your mathematics subject leader.  Or perhaps now is just the right time to refocus on mastery principles and reflect on, and refine, pedagogy with the support of other schools and a Primary Mastery Specialist.

For schools that are interested in re-joining the programme, we are hosting four ‘open door’ events, led by our Headteacher Advocates.  These Headteachers are inviting you into their school to discuss their continuing journey with Teaching for Mastery and ongoing involvement with Maths Hub Work Groups. 

The sessions are happening in schools around our region.  Hopefully, you will find a location not too far from your school or home.  Unfortunately, places are limited at each event, so please only complete the Bookwhen if you are able to attend.  To give as many schools as possible the opportunity to join a session, we would ask you only register for one Open Lesson.

  • Wednesday 8th June 2022 at Broom Leys Primary School (LE67 4DB):13:30 to 15:00

Bookings for this event have now closed

  • Thursday 9th June 2022 at Houghton on the Hill CofE Primary School (LE7 9GD): 9:30-11:00

Bookings for this event have now closed

  • Monday 13th June 2022 at Ridgeway Primary Academy (LE16 7HQ): 13:00 to 14:30 – this school teaches mathematics in mixed age classes (This event was originally advertised as taking place on Thursday 9th June. Due to unforeseen circumstances the event has been rearranged to take place on Monday 13th June. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.)

Bookings for this event have now closed

  • Tuesday 21st June 2022 at Stanwick Primary Academy (NN9 6PS): 9:30 to 11:00

Bookings for this event have now closed


Information about the sessions:

  • Visitors are asked not to use the school’s carpark.
  • Please respect the host school’s policy around Covid-19 and – if unwell – contact the Maths Hub to cancel your attendance.

Who can attend?

These sessions are aimed at the Headteacher or Maths Lead of schools that have once participated in the Primary Teaching for Mastery programme at the Developing phase.  Your setting has a strong commitment to continually refine a whole school mastery approach, but it might have been some time since you last engaged with an East Midlands South Work Group.  If unsure about your school’s eligibility to attend one of these sessions, please contact the Maths Hub.

Primary Teaching for Mastery

We hope this sounds like an exciting opportunity to re-connect with EMS Maths Hub and to learn more about our Teaching for Mastery Sustaining Work Groups.  If you would like more general information about the programme before attending one of the above, please visit the NCETM website and more specific, regional information can be found on our website.