Mastering Number at KS2 Work Groups

Secure firm foundations in multiplicative relationships

The Work Group offers schools that are involved in Mastering Number at Reception and KS1, and are also in a Sustaining Work Group, the opportunity for teachers to develop the knowledge and skills to secure firm foundations for their pupils in multiplicative relationships. (Junior schools who are in a Sustaining Work Group may also apply)


The aim over time is that all children will leave KS2 with fluency in multiplication and division facts, and a confidence and flexibility with number that exemplifies good number sense when looking at the multiplicative relationship. Attention will be given to the key knowledge and understanding needed in Year 4 and Year 5 to support future progression.


What is involved?

To support pupils with the transition from additive to multiplicative thinking, fluency in multiplication and corresponding division facts and understanding of multiplicative structures is essential. When pupils have automatic recall of facts, it can free their minds to focus on the underlying mathematical structures so they can understand, reason and explain their thinking in a variety of multiplicative contexts.

This project focuses on the key knowledge and understanding needed in Year 4 and Year 5 to support pupils’ future progression in this area of maths where they can draw upon secure connections to previous learning so that they can make progress into Year 6 and beyond.

Professional development materials will be provided to cover five short sessions a week, with participants expected to support colleagues in their year groups to use the resources with all Year 4 and 5 classes.


What are the benefits?

  • Your pupils in KS2 will develop automaticity in multiplication and division facts through regular practice
  • You will develop an understanding of how pupils progress in their knowledge and understanding of multiplicative concepts
  • You will work as part of a professional learning community to refine your practice
  • You and your school leaders will develop Mastering Number at KS2 as part of the curriculum in Years 4 and 5


What are the expectations?

Schools that participate in the Work Group commit to the following expectations:

  • The school will introduce Mastering Number in all Year 4 and Year 5 classes, in addition to their daily maths lesson.
  • Each teacher (Year 4 and Year 5) will work with their whole class five days per week, using the Mastering Number Programme, to develop children’s deep understanding and confidence of multiplicative relationships and automaticity of facts.
  • Teachers will be expected to contribute regularly to local online Work Group activity, led by the Work Group Lead, reflecting on the implementation and impact of the programme, from autumn term 2024 to summer term 2025.
  • Participants in the Work Group will engage in all online professional development, including three national live online sessions and three local Work Group sessions.
  • The school will provide any feedback required by the Maths Hub and participate in any evaluation processes required.


Who can apply?

If your school can answer yes to the following questions, then you can apply:

  • Are you in a Sustaining Work Group in 2023/24?
  • Have you also completed at least a year of the Mastering Number at Reception and KS1 Programme, and are continuing to use the materials?
  • Are your teachers in Year 4 and 5 able to commit fully to this project?

If you are junior school in a Sustaining Work Group and your teachers in Year 4 and 5 are able to commit fully to this Work Group, you can also apply. 

If you are unsure of your school's eligibility please contact us via email [email protected] and we will be happy to help.

Lead participants from Work Group schools will be two teachers – one from each of Year 4 and Year 5. Support will also be given to maths leads and headteachers.


What is the cost?

The Mastering Number at KS2 Work Groups are fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so are free to participating schools.



There will be central online sessions and local sessions please find the details of these below:

Central Online Sessions:

For Lead Teachers-

  • Youtube Live Launch- Thursday 12th September, 4pm-5pm
  • Workshop 1- Tuesday 17th September, 1.15pm-4pm
  • Workshop 2- Thursday 9th January, 9am-11:45am
  • Workshop 3- Monday 17th March, 9am-11:45am

For Headteachers-

  • Workshop 1- Wednesday 25th September, 4pm-5pm
  • Workshop 2- Monday 19th May, 4pm-5pm


Local Sessions:

We will be holding 3 local sessions (Autumn, Spring and Summer Term), further details will be posted and shared as they become available.



Applications have now closed for 2024/25, please use the form below to express an interest for 2025/26.